My question for problem 2 was as followed:
Given a rule for FSM:
Given a FSM: ={2in,2out,,2state,}A={2Vin,2Vout,I,2Vstate,R}
where in={a}Vin={a}, out={o}Vout={o}, state={p,q}Vstate={p,q}, =I=true<->q|p,
Then there was an example of state transition diagram and finally it asked:
Use the same label, inputs, and outputs to compute the state transition diagram of the given FSM.
Submit the initial states and transitions in an explicit form:
init 0,1;
transitions (0,{a},{o},1); (0,{},{o},2); (1,{a},{},3); (3,{},{},3);
Here is my submission of the Kripke form:
init 0;
transitions (0,{q,o},{q,o},0); (0,{q,o},{q},1); (0,{q,o},{q,a},2); (0,{q,o},{q,a,o},3); (0,{q,o},{p},4); (0,{q,o},{p,o},5); (0,{q,o},{p,a},6); (0,{q,o},{p,a,o},7); (0,{q,o},{p,q},8); (0,{q,o},{p,q,o},9); (0,{q,o},{p,q,a},10);(0,{q,o},{p,q,a,o},11);
But it get following error:
Your submission (or part of it) was not in a correct format and could not be checkedDetails: Automaton parsing failed: Parsing Error in ParseAutomaton
I understand there is mistake in my submission from the error but I could not figure it out. Can you please explain briefly or guide me to a slide number?