I have collected a view questions about the upcoming exam and the previous exams:
1. Are we meant to process all tasks in the exam? For me, I really don't know how to finish all tasks in time.
2. What is the total number of points of the grade table published on studentportal?
3. Quine-McCluskey: If there a two primeimplicants, that cover the exact same minterms, should we write down both? for example: There are the Cubes C_(1,2), C_(3,4), C_(1,3) and C_(2,4). Should we compute (if possible) C_(1,2,3,4) and C_(1,3,2,4) or just C_(1,2,3,4)? Is it correct, that they are alway equivalent?
4. solution of exam WS14 task 7c): For me, it looks like the columns of the final states are reversed. Aren't the states of A_(det) in the form {s_i,s_j} and not s_i?
5.The solutions of the exams WS14 and SS14 are almost identical. Are the soltutions of exam WS14 somewhere available?
Thank you very much!
All the best,