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I have collected a view questions about the upcoming exam and the previous exams:

1. Are we meant to process all tasks in the exam? For me, I really don't know how to finish all tasks in time.

2. What is the total number of points of the grade table published on studentportal?

3. Quine-McCluskey: If there a two primeimplicants, that cover the exact same minterms, should we write down both? for example: There are the Cubes C_(1,2), C_(3,4), C_(1,3) and C_(2,4). Should we compute (if possible)  C_(1,2,3,4) and C_(1,3,2,4) or just C_(1,2,3,4)? Is it correct, that they are alway equivalent?

4. solution of exam WS14 task 7c): For me, it looks like the columns of the final states are reversed. Aren't the states of A_(det) in the form {s_i,s_j} and not s_i?

5.The solutions of the exams WS14 and SS14 are almost identical. Are the soltutions of exam WS14 somewhere available?

Thank you very much!

All the best,

in # Mandatory Modules Bachelor by (1.1k points)

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Here are my answers:

(1+2) You do not need all points to get a 1.0. You can see with the published grade table that at that time 90 points were required for the 1.0, and the exam had 125 points in total. So, you roughly need 75% of the points.

(3) If we find adjacent cubes, i.e., cubes that only differ by exactly one variable, then their disjunction is equivalent to the infimum of these cubes. Both the disjunction and the infimum are commutative and associative operations, so C_(1,2,3,4) and C_(1,3,2,4) are the same and you just need to compute one. That is why for each column in the Quine table, you just need to scan the other cubes below it to compute new cubes for the next column.

(4) Yes, the two columns are exchanged!

(5) You mean the solutions of the exam in SS15. No, we have not made solutions for that, sorry.
by (170k points)
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