If you want to compute []y and know that y corresponds with the states {s3,s8}, you have to compute pre∀({s3,s8}). Now recall that
pre∀(Q2):={s1 ∈S|∀s2 ∈S.(s1,s2)∈R→s2 ∈Q2}
pre∀(Q2):={s1∈S | suc(s1) ⊆ Q2}
So, we need to find the states s1 such that all of their successors are within {s3,s8}. Checking the table in the slides on page 8, you can check now state by state for which of the states this is the case. You will see that only s3 and s8 (both having no successors) fulfill this while all others have a successor which is not in {s3,s8}.