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when do we get the solution sheet 4 please?
in * TF "Emb. Sys. and Rob." by (1.7k points)

1 Answer

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In class right now, and tomorrow, and eventuallyâ„¢ as a pdf on the Exercises Page

by (25.6k points)
usually we get it in advance. that's why I'm asking. without it, I can't solve any questions. and it's too late to wait for the exercise sessions.
Don't say that! You can do it even without the exercise slides!

Task one: Predecessors/successors: As discussed in the lecture, and the lecture slides, there are definitions what are predecessors and successors. Just look at the definition, and play with it.
Task two/three: FMS to Kripke: Also here, just apply the definition from the lecture slides. You can do that!
Task four: Produt structure: Also this is just an application of the definition from the lecture slides.

Go for it, Champ! You got it!
sorry I tried a lot and struggled with the lecture material and everything but couldn't understand how I should solve the questions!
It's just too much stressful and I'm dying of too much tension in this course. I can't wait until the last day to start doing the assignments. I need to do them as soon as possible, in order to be able to be calm.
Last week I started doing the assignments on Monday and I could finish them on Wednesday morning. And then I had enough time to go through them for the second time and without stress and learn them.
I really need to get the solution file please. That would be really great if we have access to it on each Monday. I can't live with this much stress for VRS every week :(((((
I know that this tip is hard too implement: But don't stress out. Try to understand the questions, and what they mean. Clarify what you need to know. Have a look at the lecture contents. You can do that. I really believe in you.

Let's talk about it in detail. There are these slides:

Task 1: You are asked to tell what are the existential/universal predecessors/successors of no states, and all states. Look at the definitions on slide 49. Plug in all states / no states, and see whether the results are deadends, non-deadends, states with or without predecessors.

Task 2:
a) Given a formula for initial states, and transitions, write down the transitions explicitly. That's on slide 53. On the following slides, there's an example.
b,c,d) Look at the initial states, deadends, reachable states of the Kripke structure. Write them down as a DNF.

Task 3:
Similar to 2. Identify certain sets of states, write them down as DNF. Also write down a modified structure in the required syntax.

Task 4:
On slide 45, we introduce how a product is computed (take state pairs that agree on the label for common variables as new states, add transitions add transitions if the transition was present for both elements, mark states initial whose both elements were inital). In the exercise, you are asked to compute a product just like it's done as an example on slide 47.

So as you see. There is really no big rocket science. You can easily do your first run through that.

We all believe in you! Go for it! :)
Slides online now. But I still believe, you can do it without them!
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