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+3 votes
This is just a test question to see whether or not Martin gets notifications. Nothing to see here. Move along.
in + General Questions by (2.4k points)
My RSS reader still works fine.

Happy quarantine :P
The sad thing is that I can't subscribe to the RSS of a specific tag in this q2a installation. I can subscribe to tags by mail notification but I think, it broke
True. This looks like, in general (or in newer versions?) it is possible:

Maybe you can ask SCI to upgrade, after the e-teaching dust settled a little bit ;)
I believe, it is a matter of configuration. Look here:

But I want my emails back …

1 Answer

+2 votes
Best answer
Sadly, I didn't get a mail notification. Oops. Bad Omen.
by (25.6k points)
selected by
But at least I got a notification when you selected my answer.

Btw: Did you also get a blank page after posting the question?

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