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my question and the answer are here. my product is correct as well. But the system says its wrong. Where am I going wrong?

in * TF "Emb. Sys. and Rob." by (380 points)
Hence my answer was
vars b,c,d;
init 0;
labels 0:b,c,d; 1:;
transitions 0->1; 1->0;
why is the system saying its wrong?

1 Answer

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I think a self-loop on the initial state is missing since S1 and Q1 have self-loops, and therefore also the product state S1,Q1 should have one.
by (170k points)
Thank you, I have over looked that transition when I copied the question down on my paper.

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asked Aug 15, 2020 in * TF "Emb. Sys. and Rob." by SKH (350 points)
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