Scenario 1. Simulation
example pair (s1,q1) . S1 has no successors but q1 has some successor. In this case there is no need to delete pair right?
Correct. We just have to check that every transition s1 can do can also be simulated by q1. Since s1 has no transitions, q1 has nothing to care about.
Scenario 2: Simulation
example pair (s1,q1). S1 has successors but q1 has no successors.In this case, the pair has to be deleted since q1 cannot simulate s1 isnt it?
Correct. In that case the transitions s1 can do must also be simulated by q1, but since q1 has no successors, it cannot simulate any transition s1 has. Thus, the pair will be eliminated next.
Scenario 3: Bisimulation
example pair (s1,q1) . S1 has no successors but q1 has some successor. pair is to be deleted right?
Correct. In that case the transitions q1 can do must also be simulated by s1, but since s1 has no successors, it cannot simulate any transition q1 has. Thus, the pair will be eliminated next.
Scenario 4: Bisimulation
example pair (s1,q1). S1 has successors but q1 has no successors. In this case also, pair is to be deleted right?
Correct. In that case the transitions s1 can do must also be simulated by q1, but since q1 has no successors, it cannot simulate any transition s1 has. Thus, the pair will be eliminated next.
Scenario 5: Bisimulation or Simulation
when both the nodes of pair has no successors. Then the pair always survives right?