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how does !(!a | Xq0) & !(a & Xq1) becomes a&!q0'&!q1' ? I m resulting in !a&!q0'&!q1'.

Thank you in advance for patiently answering our questions :)
in * TF "Emb. Sys. and Rob." by (850 points)

1 Answer

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Best answer
!(!a | Xq0) & !(a & Xq1)
De Morgan
a & !Xq0 & (!a | Xq1)
Multiply out
a & !Xq0 & !a | a & !Xq0 & Xq1
Simplify a&…&!a to false, and simplify false | something to something
a & !Xq0 & Xq1
by (25.6k points)
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