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Thank you for answering the question and suggestión. I am able to gain some clarity.

I think the question is possible to solve using SNF. Can you please show me the SNF table for Sept 2022 Problem 6a for  for p,q,pq,{}.

related to an answer for: LTL state transition
in # Study-Organisation (Master) by (850 points)

1 Answer

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Well, using the teaching tool,  I get the following SNF which is not as nice as the BDD since there are some sub-formulas that can be shared:

  •     (q ? (b ? false
                : (Xq ? (a ? (Xp ? true
                                 : false)
                           : (p ? (Xp ? true
                                      : false)
                                : (Xp ? false
                                      : true)))
                      : false))
           : (a ? (Xp ? true
                      : false)
                : (p ? (Xp ? true
                           : false)
                     : (Xp ? false
                           : true))))

by (170k points)

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