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Hey guys,

I have a question regarding the transformation from a FSM to a Kripke structure.
I know how to obtain the transitions and the deadends but i can not figure out how to obtain the initial- and reachable states in DNF.
So how is it possible to determine the inital states as well as the reachable states if the transition relation and the initial state of the FSM are given?

Thanks for your help!
in * TF "Emb. Sys. and Rob." by (440 points)

1 Answer

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Well, assume your FSM is the following one: input variables Vin={a}, output variables Vout={o}, state variables Vstate={p,q}, initial state condition I is q<->p, and the transition relation R is next(q)&!(q->a)&(next(p)|o|p). There was a recent question that asked how to generate the states and transition of the FSM which looked then as follows: 

Now, here you agree with me that initial states are s0 and s3 and reachable states are s0,s1,s3. Their symbolic encodings are minterms of the state variables, i.e.,

  • s0: ¬p⋀¬q
  • s1: ¬p⋀q
  • s3 : p⋀q

Sets of states are then simple disjunctions of these states, which leads to formulas in DNF (if not simplified) so that 

  • the initial states are ¬p⋀¬q ⋁ p⋀q
  • and the reachable states are ¬p⋀¬q ⋁ p⋀q ⋁ ¬p⋀q
Of course, you can also directly convert the initial condition q<->p into a DNF, but make sure that this DNF is then a disjunction of minterms over the state variables. The reachable states cannot be computed that easily from the initial states and the transition relation. To that end, we have to compute a fix point on the formulas as done by the µ-calculus formula µx. Init ⋁ <:>x where <:> denotes the existential predecessor states. 
Similar arguments apply to the Kripke structure. 

by (170k points)
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