That is a very nice example! Bytheway, the uniquely defined minimal automaton for that language consists of a ring of 15 states and is as follows:
inputs a;
init 0;
(0,a,1); (1,a,2); (2,a,3); (3,a,4); (4,a,5); (5,a,6); (6,a,7); (7,a,8); (8,a,9);
(9,a,10); (10,a,11); (11,a,12); (12,a,13); (13,a,14); (14,a,0);
accept 0,3,5,6,9,10,12;
As can be seen, there are many accepting states which are also requires to determine the multiples of 3 and 5 up to their lcm.