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Given this kripke structure for the folllowing problem shown below, i am having issues computing the initial states. i get !p&q | p&!q | p&q. but this is flagged as wrong ? initial states are states that aren't dead ends and have doubled squares right ?

in * TF "Emb. Sys. and Rob." by (790 points)

1 Answer

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It seems that this exercise has an assumption that is not really spelled out. It seems that the Kripke structure should be cleared from any finite paths at first, and then the question should be answered. That means that you should repeatedly remove all deadend states (those having no outgoing transitions) unless no more deadend states remain. Then, you should read the initial states, reachable states, etc. from the states that are left. If I am right with this, we should really change the exercise questions as I wrote here.
by (170k points)

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