At first, the unit clause {x3} demands the assignment x3 := true, which propagates to the other clauses as follows:
{x0, ¬b, ¬c}, {¬x0, b}, {¬x0, c}
{¬x0, ¬x1}, {x1, x0}
{x1, ¬x2, ¬a}, {¬x1, x2}, {x2, a}
{¬x2, c}, {x2, ¬c}
We now have four clauses with only two literals and an occurrence of x0, so that we make the case split x0 := true (instead of false as per the solution), which yields the following clauses:
{b}, {c}
{x1, ¬x2, ¬a}, {¬x1, x2}, {x2, a}
{¬x2, c}, {x2, ¬c}
The new unit clauses {b}, {c} , {¬x1} demand assignments of b := c:= true and x1 := false. Propagating this yields:
{}, {}
{¬x2, ¬a}, {x2, a}
Do we backtrack here and make x0 := false due to the empty clauses and then continue?
Proceeding otherwise means x2 := true and the following:
which demands a:= false
The final assignments obtained are x3 := x0 := x2 := b :=c := true and x1 := a := false
(compared, the exam solution : x3 := x1 := x2 := c := true and x0 := b := false , a:= arbitrary)