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Wich possible ways are there to determine a DNF?
The only way I know is about a truth table, but is there a faster or even easier way?
in # Mandatory Modules Bachelor by (230 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
There are many ways: Truth tables are certainly one, but that one is always an exponential-size effort. Another approach is to compute a ROBDD, and then to enumerate the paths from the root node to the 1-leaf; each path is a conjunction of possibly negated variables and denotes a variable assignment. Using a disjunction of the paths gives you another DNF.  And there is also the way to use Boolean algebra to rewrite a given formula to DNF which is also sometimes a fast solution. Yet another way is to compute the CNF of the negation, and to negate that again to make it a DNF.

In general, there is no best way, it always depends on the given formulas.
by (170k points)

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