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I don't understand the explanation in the screenshot. Could you please explain it in a beginner-friendly way.

in * TF "Intelligent Systems" by (350 points)

1 Answer

+2 votes
Best answer

I do not really see where I can help here; which of the following sentences of the solution troubles you?

  • E[a WU false] is equivalent to EGa
  • EGa does not hold in any state since all states that satisfy a, i.e., {s1, s6} have only successor states which do not satisfy a. 
  • EGa reduces to false
  • the entire formula reduces to (false → ...) which is true, and therefore holds in all states.
by (170k points)
selected by
EGa -> AXb
= false -> AXb
= true.
Hence holds in all states.

Got it.

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