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By considering below:

I have submitted following answer, it displayed 

"Please check whether your LTL formula fulfill the requirements

but I already tried to fulfill the requirements. Which part I have done wrongly? 

2 ; G((!a&!b&c)& X(!a&b&c)) ; (!a&!b&!c) & G(X(!a&!b&c))

Thanks in advance.

in # Study-Organisation (Master) by (770 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
Case 2 (which you have chosen) means that you have to find formulas that imply !S1&S2, which is possible since S2->S1 is not valid. So, you have to find formulas that imply that !S1&S2 holds. Case 1 cannot be chosen, since S1->S2 is valid.

The second formula that you have, i.e., (!a&!b&!c) & G(X(!a&!b&c)) seems to be okay, but the first formula you have is false (I mean it is equivalent to false and therefore not allowed as a solution).
by (170k points)
edited by
Thanks for clarification. I have checked as below in teaching tools:

[phi1] => G((!a&!b&c)& X(!a&b&c)) -> [[b SB a] WB c]& ![[b WB a] WB c] is valid.

[phi2] => (!a&!b&!c) & G(X(!a&!b&c))-> [[b SB a] WB c]& ![[b WB a] WB c] is not valid.

In this case, [phi1] is OK and I must find another to replace with [phi2] for CASE1 right?

No, phi1 is the trouble maker. It is equivalent to false and that one must therefore be replaced. I think phi2 is fine.
I have the same question but not able to understand why phi2 is satisfying s2= [[b WB a] WB c]. Because if next time b and a becomes false and c becomes true then it doesn't satisfy even weak before condition. Could anyone help me on this where i am going wrong?
Thanks in advance.
Okay, let's clarify. We have the formulas S1 := [[b SB a] WB c] and S2 := [[b WB a] WB c]. Using the LTL prover, we find out that S1->S2 holds, but S2->S1 does not hold. For the latter, we obtain a counterexample that demonstrates that !S1&S2, i.e., that ![[b SB a] WB c] & [[b WB a] WB c] holds.

The counterexample has initially all variables false, and then a self-loop in a state where !a&!b&c holds. Hence, if [alpha WB c] should hold initially for some formula alpha, it must be the case that alpha must hold initially, since at the next point of time already c holds, and it is therefore too late for alpha. Initially, we have [b WB a] since a and b are always false, but we do not have [b SB a] since the strong before demands that b eventually holds which is however not the case.

Looking at the counterexample, I think a suitable phi1 should be (!a&!b&!c) & X G(!a&!b&c). We can also check that (!a&!b&!c) & X G(!a&!b&c) -> ![[b SB a] WB c] & [[b WB a] WB c] holds.

The formula phi1 that has been used above, i.e., G((!a&!b&c)& X(!a&b&c)) contradicts itself, since it says in particular that b should be false at all points of time, and b should hold at all points of time t>0 which is impossible. Thus, that phi1 is equivalent to false, and that is the reason why you can also prove phi1->S1&!S2 with it (which is equivalent to false->false). The student portal will however not accept that solution since it will check that your formulas phi1 and phi2 are not equivalent to false.

Finally, let's consider your phi2 := (!a&!b&!c) & G X(!a&!b&c) which describes the counterexample discussed above. You say that (!a&!b&!c) & G(X(!a&!b&c))-> [[b SB a] WB c]& ![[b WB a] WB c] is not valid which is true, but we have to check that (!a&!b&!c) & G(X(!a&!b&c))-> ![[b SB a] WB c] & [[b WB a] WB c] which is true. Note that we have to find examples for !S1&S2 since there are no examples for S1&!S2 (since we checked that S1->S2 holds).

Hence, you proved phi1->S1&!S2 with a formula phi1 equivalent to false (which is pointless), and could not prove phi2->S1&!S2 since the latter cannot be proved with a formula different to false. Instead, you should prove phi1->!S1&S2 and phi2->!S1&S2 which will work for your phi2. It does also work for your phi1, but just because it is false and that is not allowed.

Still confused?
Thank you so much for explaining it elaborately. If I understood it properly, it means that phi1->!s1&s2 where phi1 = (!a&!b&!c) & X G(!a&!b&c) holds because [b WB a] is true when all the variable are false initially but [b SB c] is not true since it demands that b should atleast hold. And, then at next time state there is self loop for c, which means c holds eventually and thus making [[b SB a] WB c] false because initially [b SB a] was false and it's too late for it to become true?.
Almost. In general [x SB y] holds on a path if x holds before y holds. Thus, there must be a prefix (maybe of length 0) where x=y=0 holds, and then there must be a point of time where x=1 and y=0 holds. In addition to that, [x WB y] also holds if both x=y=0 holds all the time.

Thus in the model where a=b=c=0 holds for t=0 and then a=b=0 holds always, we have [b WB a] holds at t=0 (but also for any time t), but [b SB a] does not hold at t=0 and neither does it hold at any other point of time (since b never becomes true).

Hence, we can replace [b WB a] by 1 and [b SB a] by 1, and can now consider the formulas [1 WB c] and [0 WB c]. Since c=0 initially, [1 WB c] holds (it is actually equivalent to !c), and [0 WB c] is false (it is equivalent to G!c).

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