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On the second question of exercise 8:
I understood that I have to find to LTL formulas which are not valid. While I was able to find two different G formulas for example under b) I had trouble for a)

[c WU [a WU b]]

The only formula I found is G (!a&!b&!c). The homework  checking reports that the formula is correct but I can`t seem to find the second one. Could you point me on what I am missing?

Thank you in advance.

in * TF "Emb. Sys. and Rob." by (150 points)

1 Answer

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If I understand your problem right, you have to find for the formula S1 := [c WU [a WU b]] two satisfiable but non-equivalent formulas phi1 and phi2 such that phi1->!S1 and phi2->!S1 holds, and none of the formulas should be equivalent to S1. It should not be too difficult, let's see.

Let's use the teaching tool to prove the validity of S1, i.e., [c WU [a WU b]]. It will answer that it is not valid by presenting a counterexample where all variables a,b,c are always false. That is what you already have found, i.e., your phi1 is G (!a&!b&!c). We can double check by proving the following implication valid:

    (G (!a&!b&!c)) -> ![c WU [a WU b]]

Now, we need to find another such formula. Using the teaching tool again for proving the validity of [c WU [a WU b]] would give us again the same formula, so that is not the way to go.

At this point, you have to ask yourself whether this is the only counterexample to the validity of S1. If it would be so, then !phi1 -> S1 would be valid, since if !phi1 -> S1 is not valid, then there is a path that satisfies !phi1&!S1. That would be different to phi1 but would also satisfy !S1, i.e., it is a second counterexample that you wish to find. So, trying to prove

    !(G (!a&!b&!c)) -> [c WU [a WU b]]

yields a counterexample which is a path where b and c are always false and a is alternating with initially being false. Hence, we could use as phi2 the formula

    !a & (G( (!a <-> X a) & !b & !c))

I double-checked this by proving the validity of

    !a & (G( (!a <-> X a) & !b & !c)) -> ![c WU [a WU b]]

which worked as expected.

Note how we made the tool generate another counterexample which can be done similarly for all kinds of these exercises. This way we found counterexamples phi1 and phi2, and I could continue with finding more like the following ones:

As an alternative, you can consider the omega-automaton that is equivalent to !S1, i.e., the following omega-automaton:

    I := !q1
    R := (q0<->b|a&next(q0)) & (q1<->q0|c&next(q1))
    A := F ((c->q1) & F(a->q0))

As this automaton encodes all counterexamples, you may consider its state transition diagram. Each path that satisfies the acceptance condition is a counterexample that you could use. 

by (170k points)
edited by
May I ask how we can read the counterexample for (G (!a&!b&!c)) | ![c WU [a WU b]] from the tool? I was copying it to in the tool, and i got a counter example where _q2, c are in an intial state with a self loop and nothing else. So i would read here G(!a&!b&c) but checking this returns a "not valid".

edit: seems like i did some wrong typing because with the counterexample seen here I can read the formula. Somehow i can't just reproduce this.
It is not the disjunction (G (!a&!b&!c)) | ![c WU [a WU b]] , but only G (!a&!b&!c) which describes the counterexample I meant. G (!a&!b&!c)  describes the counterexample to [c WU [a WU b]] you get from the LTL prover since if you try to prove [c WU [a WU b]] with the LTL tool, you get the first one of the above single path Kripke structure where a,b, and c are false all the time.

If you then try to prove !(G (!a&!b&!c)) -> [c WU [a WU b]] (to ask whether that is the only counterexample), you get the second single path Kripke structure as another counterexample that gives you  formula phi2.

You can continue this game by trying to prove !phi1 & !phi2 -> S1 to get a counterexample that satisfies !phi1 & !phi2 & !S1. This way, I got another counterexample (the third one above) to describe a formula phi3, if needed, and so on.
To find the second counterexample phi2, you will actually have to look for
    (G (!a&!b&!c)) | [c WU [a WU b]]

(Notice the missing "!").
Right, I fixed that in the original answer.
Thank you. I think in your comment above mine, it is still not correct, maybe you could edit this, too.
I changed the text in another way which is more consistent with the original answer and fixed the typo this way. Thanks for pointing this out.

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